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Roll on Essential Oils

All our roll on Essential oil blends are made with high quality oils from Doterra mixed with Fractionated Coconut oil.Essential oils are a beautiful and natural way of supporting your emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.Each roller bottle is intentionally made to enhance and encourage your Self Care journey.

Benefits of Roll on Essential oils

Our roll on Essential oils have so many amazing benefits in supporting your mind, body and spirit. The roller bottles allow for convenience for you to pop your oils into your bag and taking them everywhere you go. 


Each Essential oil roller bottle in our collection is made with the intention to support your energy, bring inner peace and calm, encourage better sleep, support your monthly cycle and relieve you of any aches. 

Ways to use your Roll on Essential Oils

There are many different ways you can apply your Roll on Essential oils. On each of our labels we make suggestions for the best parts of your body to apply your oils to best support you. After rolling your eyes into the suggested area, rubbing it in completely will allow your oils to nourish you from the inside out and allow for best support. 


Common areas that is safe to use your Roll on Essential oils:

- Temples (Side of your head)

- Behind your ears 

- Rubbing into the bottom of feet 

- Inside of wrists

- Inside of elbows 

- Back of neck 

- Abdomen

- Heart Space 

- Shoulders and back

Types of Roll on Essential Oils

Our range has a variety of oils to support you for different purposes. Roll on Essential oil blends that may encourage more calm, better sleep, motivation and relief. 


See below for our full range:

- Energise Me Roll on Essential oils blend: Wild Orange and Peppermint

- Calm Me Roll on Essential oils blend: Lavender, Frankincense and Chamomile

- TOM (Time of month) Roll on Essential oils blend: Clary Sage and Bergamot and Chamomile

- Relieve Me Roll on Essential oils blend: Ice Blue and Doterra Aromatherapy blend

- Give Me Sleep Roll on Essential oils blend: Lavender, Ylang Ylang and Cedarwood


Essential oils have become a big part of our Self Care tools because of there many benefits. A personal favourite friend we love to go to for Self Care inspiration is Tiny Buddha Blog. 


Roll on Essential Oils

"Florence holds such a safe space where you can relax and unplug from the world. I feel so relaxed after every class."


"I haven't ever done Meditation before but Florence made it so easy and welcoming, I  actually fell asleep! I needed this more than I realised."


" I love my rest classes, I look forward to them every week and even more on the busy weeks where work is crazy. I get to hit pause and rest and recharge".


"Can not reccomend Florence's rest classes enough!! They have become my favourite part of my week. I always leave feeling rested, relaxed and so calm".


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